General Information

The program includes 24 credits of theoretical coursework, 3 credits of individual research, and 36 credits of dissertation. Students will enroll in three semesters (18 months) of intense study of concepts in peace theories, philosophy, cultural and religious dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding as a foundation for fieldwork or research exploring conflicts, world trouble spots, and methodologies for working to transform conflict into peace. The academic year is two semesters and runs from August through May. The language of instruction is English.

Study Content includes:

Year 1: Acquire knowledge of various theoretical foundations for conflict resolution and peacebuilding including philosophy, cultural and religious dimensions of peacebuilding, human rights and contemporary issues in peacebuilding. Critically apply and reflect those theories in one’s own context and in research.
Year 2: Acquire knowledge of research methodology in peacebuilding, and develop deeper understanding of one’s own topic of interest relevant to conflict and peace.
Year 3: Develop a comprehensive understanding of theoretical knowledge and concepts underpinning peacebuilding and conflict resolution and capacity to design and conduct a research independently, ethically, and vigorously to generate new knowledge and creative solutions to ending violent conflicts and building peace.
Year 4: Write a dissertation, defend it, and graduate. Acquire knowledge, skills, and ethical character in analyzing and resolving conflicts and building peace as well as communicating research results effectively with the academic circle and the general community by presenting their research reports and publications that are nationally and internationally accepted.

Minimun Qualifications for application

  1. Master’s Degree
  2. 3 years of work experience
  3. 550 TOEFL score (or equivalent) and English certificate. This is normally waived for students who have written their Master’s Thesis in English.

Method of selection

Selection will be based on:

  1. completed application form
  2. all official post-secondary transcripts
  3. statement of purpose (750-1,000 words)
  4. list of writings/publications (if any)
  5. letters of recommendation (two from former college/university instructors, and one from work colleague/supervisor)
  6. personal/telephone interview


The total tuition package for the 4-year Ph.D. Program (8 regular semesters) is 768,100 baht (approximately 25,000 USD). Thai students are discounted 160,000 baht.


PB 804 Foundation of Peace Studies
PB 821 Religion and Peacebuilding
PB 839 Human Rights and Peacebuilding

PB 811 Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding
PB 812 Peacebuilding as a Philosophical Enterprise
PB 837 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Peacebuilding
PB 834 Research Methodology in Peacebuilding
PB 838 Selected Readings in Peace Studies

PB 852 Individual Research
(Students will have  a qualifying examination at the end of this semester)
Develop dissertation topic
Present detailed dissertation proposal for approval
Begin writing dissertation

PB 992
Dissertation (Begin writing dissertation)
PB 992
Dissertation (Write, Submit, and Defend)

Grading & Examination

To be qualified for the qualifying exam, the student must earn at least a 3.25 GPA.
The Qualifying Examination include three components: (i) a general written comprehensive examination which cover major theoretical areas of peace studies; (ii) a preliminary paper on the student’s tentative research topic, and (iii) an oral examination.